Sunday, August 1, 2010


We finally put on all of the new bedding we got from the wedding the other week. We decided to wait a while before putting it on because we had gotten a new puppy, Yuri. We knew from having Chewie that there are no guarantees with a puppy, that even once you think they are potty trained that they still might not let you know in the middle of the night that they need to go. So we wanted to wait to put on our new, very nice, very expensive bedding.

It looks so great in the room and it is very comfortable. The pups love it too. They do not love the new rules though of not being allowed on the bed if they are dirty. They have also gotten a new bed. A bigger cage to share. I love the pokadot bed I found at Petsmart to go in it. The pups must too, I caught Yuri coming out of the cage this morning. He had gone in there on is own. :)


Kim said...

Is Yuri on the left? His ears look super poofy!

SJ said...

haha yes. He got a bad hair cut. hehe

Nancy said...

LOVE the new bedding !!!!!!!! :) :)
And the dogs new bed too :)
I like Yuri's haircut :)