Friday, October 24, 2008


My mom has been in contact with the Piper Palm house and we found out the times we can have the rehearsal are kind of awkward times. Our choices were on Thursday or before noon on Friday. After talking with my mom and Kim I decided that we would have it from 11-12 on Friday, the last possible time we could get. I figure that way it gives people some time to get into town if they can. I'm sure not everyone will be able to make this time, since it isn't really ideal, but I figure enough of us will be able to get there we can fill in those who weren't there on Friday night or on Saturday before the ceremony. We will still have a rehearsal dinner traditionally on Friday night. Hope everything goes smoothly. :)

Things I need to do next: contact caterors and officients

1 comment:

Nancy said...

It will all work out just fine ! Soooo exciing :)