Sunday, August 25, 2013

One Month

Harper Olivia, I cannot believe that you are already a month old. It has been the fastest and best month of my life. I appreciate all the quality time we have got to have this month as a family. Both your dad and I fall more and more in love with you every day. 

The first week of your life we spent in the hospital while you received some preventative antibiotics. Looking back this was one of the best ways to spend your first week of life. It was the three of us night and day, no distractions from household chores or other things life throws at you. We were also pretty rested for first time parents, since we were at the hospital all day there wasn't much else for us to do when you slept but sleep ourselves. The first days of your life you got to meet some pretty special people as well...your Grandma & Papa James, Old Mama and Aunt Ellen came to visit as much as they could.

Here they all are getting to hold you for the very first time!

After 2 days in the hospital, in different rooms, on different floors we got to move to a new room and all be together as a family! Your dad and I were SO happy to be with you.

Everyone came to visit you and see you in your new room. 

You even took a nap with Papa :)

You also wore your first "real clothes", brought to us by one of our favorite NICU nurses. All off the NICU nurses absolutely loved you. One would even come in and just hold you while we ate, cause she liked you so much. 

Your one week birthday was a very special day, as it was the day we got to bring you home! We were so excited to get you home (and sleep in our own bed!). You also got to meet your brothers. It went so well, they loved you and did so good with you. Yuri followed us where ever we went with you the whole first week and Chewie greats you often with kisses.

Your dad stayed home your second week of life to spend more time with you. Also your Grandma and Grandpa Kozlen came to meet you!

I love all the little noises you make, you grunt in your sleep (or when trying to go to the bathroom), you make sighs at us. When you are awake you are so alert, taking everything in with your large, beautiful blue eyes. So many people that meet you, even strangers on the street, all comment on how alert you are at such a young age. The pediatrician told us you are such a calm & alert baby, in a good way. You now notice and fixate on things - like your brother or when your Aunt Ellen comes over. You sleep 3-4 hour stretches. You already have strong neck muscles and have started to head butt us. Ouch! :)

We have found that you love so many things...

Hanging out in your swing and your bouncy seat are top favorites. This ends up great for your dad and I, as it allows us to have many meals together. 

You love your hands so much. They are always up in your face, snuggled up under your chin, sucking on them. I love when you get startled by something - a bump in the road or sidewalk, your swing going fast - you throw your hands up and shake them. 

You love walks, they always put you to sleep :)

Your first walk around Greenlake!

You love snuggling and we love snuggling you back!

You love laying awkward - I think you get it from your brother Yuri. 

You love when we read you books. We often read to you at bed time and it is also part of you and I's morning routine.

You have had so many firsts this month.....
Your 1st doctor visit, at 1 1/2 weeks old you had already gone over your birth weight 

You and I went on our first grocery trip

You had a growth spurt...we survived, with a few tears from both you and I. 

We tested out the moby wrap around the house. We also wore it out a few times.

We took a walk in the Ergo 

That same night we had our first night out on the town. We walked up and down Greenwood/Phinney Ave at Seattle Summer Streets, had a beer at Prost and dinner at the Yard. You did so well!

You watched your 1st baseball game with dad

you took a bottle! and it only took about 30 seconds of trying from your dad. I was barely out of the room. Since then you have taken a few bottles from your dad. 

Your first month has flown by. We cannot wait to see what next month holds!